Review of the ESBS Spring Conference 2024

'The Chips JU', 13/14 May, Vienna


On May 14, ESBS-Austria hosted its Spring Conference ‘Chips JU’ at the historic Palais Palffy in Vienna, which was well attended by nearly 70 participants.

One highlight was the presentation by Jari Kinaret, the new Managing Director of Chips JU, who provided insights into current developments and future plans of the Chips Joint Untertaking. Additionally, the FFG reported on the implementation of the Chips JU and the European Chips Act in Austria. Silicon Austria Labs shared updates on their latest activities and pilot lines, and two exciting KDT-projects, All2GaN and A-IQ Ready, were showcased. The ESBS Spring Conference 2024 was a great success and provided valuable insights into the future of Europe's electronics and software based systems. 
The ESBS-Austria General Assembly 2024 took place after the event.

The day before, the Austrian IPCEI Day took place at the Infineon Hub in cooperation with ESBS-Austria, followed by a joint social event in the Albertina and subsequent dinner together, which offered space for exchange and networking.

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Foto credits: event: Kurt Keinrath
social event: Verena Grund-Himml/Cathrin Chromy